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Secured Loans Against Unemployment

Using a house as secured loans against unemployment is one of the surest way to borrow money for long term when you are not employed. This is because lenders face less lending risk when they know that even if there is a loan default, a collateral is secured against it.

However, as a house is often the most valuable asset to the average homeowner, by means of providing a roof over the family, it is not an easy decision for anyone to contemplate taking out a second mortgage to get large financing.

If you are not willing to apply for home equity loans for unemployed homeowners, but have a car, you may wish to take out a secured car title loan instead.

Similarly, you will use your car as collateral to get a secured personal loan against unemployment but since cars tend to depreciate in value, car title loans usually have a higher interest rate and if you have bad credit, this will also be factored into the equation and may affect your application for secured loans for the unemployed.