Being on long term unemployment is likely to be a detriment if you want to get a loan when you are jobless. From online credit companies to personal loan lenders, someone who is unemployed and need to borrow money with no income is akin to a borrower who have bad credit. Both of them are perceived as a risk when it comes to extending unsecured credit as it is reasoned that if you are unemployed and do not have a stable income, it follows that you will have difficulties in making the repayments. As such, short term or long term unsecured loans for the unemployed are not easily available.
However, not all cash advance lenders for bad credit turn away business dealings with people who are jobless and need money quickly. As a matter of fact, there are unemployment loan lenders who are moving into the money-lending business to specialize with cheap loans for the unemployed, claiming to extend jobless loans with easy repayment plans. Although the word "cheap" seems like a non-starter in this industry which is notorious for charging excessive finance fees.
Nevertheless, the availability of these unemployed loan lenders do open up more options for people who need to get a fast loan without a job. Usually for short term, these loans for the jobless can be availed for small sums, ranging between 250 to 1000 dollars, and they tend to have quick turnover time, requiring you to repay by 21 days or about a month's time.
Some payday loan companies may also offer unemployment loans for people with benefits. If you are currently on unemployment benefit or dole, the government allowance you received can be taken as a form of income, thereby allowing you to qualify for guaranteed payday loans for the unemployed.
If you want to know how to get a loan when you are jobless, consider the advantages and disadvantages with using your benefits to get cash loans with no credit check, and more importantly, whether you can afford the cost of repaying high risk cash advance at a time when you are without a job.